
Sport Cognitive Science group


【Our works】 (~2014.11.) 

【Writings in Japanese】


  1. 諏訪部 和也, 征矢 英昭 (2014) 認知的能力の発達にも効果がある. 幼児期運動指針実践ガイド, 日本発育発達学会, 53-57.
  2. 征矢 英昭 (2014) 特集脳の10年:運動・スポーツの神経科学最前線 運動神経科学研究への期待. 体育の科学, 64, 302-305.
  3. 菊池 章人, 征矢 英昭 (2014) 体力向上プログラム「SPARTS」の開発. エヌティーエス


 【Conference Presentation】


  1. R Amemiya,Y Ueno. Time Variation in Psychological Stress Responses among Athletes. 28th Conference of the European Health Psychology Society,  2014.8.
  2. E Kim, Y Sakairi. A comparison of momentary mood states associated with high athletic performance in various of sports. 7th Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress. 2014.8.
  3. R Amemiya. Relationship among Athletes' mindfulness, Stress Response, Alexithymia, and Burnout. 7th Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, 2014.8.
  4. T Shima, T Matsui, H Soya. Chronic Moderate Exercise Improves Memory Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetic Rats: Involvement of Hippocampal Glycogen. ACSM Annual Meeting, USA, 2014.5.
  5. Ochi G, Hyodo K, Suwabe K, Soya H. Influence of voluntary hyperventilation during hypoxia on executive function and prefrontal cortical activity: An experimental model for hypoxia central fatigue with exercise. ECSS, NED, 2014.7.
  6. H Soya. Sport and Exercise and Brain Function. ASEAN Fourum and International Conference on Sport Science and Technology, Indonesia, 2014.8.
  7. H Soya, T Matsui, H Omuro. Brain glycogen as an important fuel during prolonged exercise. 2014 INCHEON ASIAN GAMES INTERNATIONAL SPORT SCIENCE CONGRESS, South Korea, 2014.8.
  8. Tomoyuki Asano, Atsushi Suzuki, and Shiro Nakagomi. Features of experience acquiring kotsu in the athletic history of former elite athletes. 7th Asian-South Pacific Association of Sport Psychology International Congress, JPN, 2014.8. 【Excellent Poste Award】

 【Original Paper】

  1. Kyeongho Byun, Kazuki Hyodo, Kazuya Suwabe, Genta Ochi, Yosuke Sakairi, Morimasa Kato, Ippeita Dan, Hideaki Soya. (2014) Positive effect of acute mild exercise on executive function via arousal-related prefrontal activations: An fNIRS study. NeuroImage, 98 336-345.




The 4th HHP Seminar was held.  Seminar Report (in Japanese)